

Reviewed papers (Google scholar page; Research gate)


23.  K Toda, (...) N Tokuyama, (...) T Furuichi (2022). Do female bonobos (Pan paniscus) disperse at the onset of puberty? Hormonal and behavioral changes related
       to their dispersal timing. Hormons & Behavior, 142: 105159. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X22000538

22.  T Yoshida, H Takemoto, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama,(...), H Akari. Prevalence of antibodies against human respiratory viruses potentially involving
       anthropozoonoses in wild bonobos. Primates (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-021-00935-5

21.  Tokuyama, N., Toda, K., Poiret, ML. et al. Two wild female bonobos adopted infants from a different social group at Wamba. Sci Rep 11, 4967 (2021).

20.  H Ryu, DA Hill, T Sakamaki, C Garai, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi (2020) Occurrence and transmission of flu-like illness among neighboring bonobo groups at
        Wamba. Primates (online first). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-020-00832-3

19.  S Ishizuka, H Takemoto, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, K Toda, C Hashimoto, T Furuichi (2020). Comparisons of between-group differentiation in male
       kinship between bonobos and chimpanzees. Scientific Reports, 10:1-8.

18.  N Tokuyama, T Sakamaki & T Furuichi (2019). Inter-group aggressive interaction patterns indicate male mate defense and female cooperation across bonobo
       groups at Wamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.  https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.23929

17.  N Tokuyama (2019). Snare-related disability led to the near-fatal accident of a bonobo at Wamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pan African News, 26: 7-9.

16.  K Toda, N Tokuyama, S Ishizuka & T Furuichi (2018). A short-term visit of an adult male bonobo from the neighboring unit-group at wamba. Pan African News, 25, 22-24. 

15.  M Surbeck, C Boesch, C Crockford, M E Thompson, T Furuichi, B Fruth, G Hohmann, S Ishizuka, Z Machanda, M N Muller, A Pusey, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, K Walker, R Wrangham, E Wroblewski, K Zuberbühler, L Vigilant & K Langergraber (2019). Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees. Current Biology, 29(10): R354-R355.

14.  T Sakamaki, H Ryu, K Toda, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi (2018). Increased frequency of intergroup encounters in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) around
the yearly peak in fruit abundance at Wamba. International Journal of Primatology 39(4): 685-704. 

13.  S Ishizuka, Y Kawamoto, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, K Toda, H Okamura & T Furuichi (2018). Paternity and kin structure among neighbouring groups in wild bonobos at Wamba. Royal Society Open Science 5(1), 171006.

12.  K Toda, N Tokuyama & T Furuichi (2017). An old female bonobo carried a dead red-Tailed monkey for over a month. Pan Africa News 24 (2), 19-21.

11.  H Takemoto, Y Kawamoto, S Higuchi, E Makinose, JA Hart, TB Hart, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, GE Reinartz, P Guislain, J Depain, AK Cobden, MN Mulavwa, K Yangozene, S Darroze, C Devos & T Furuichi (2017). The mitochondrial ancestor of bonobos and the origin of their major haplogroups. Pros One 12(5), e0174851.

10.  N Tokuyama & T Furuichi (2017). Leadership of old females in collective departures in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 55.

9.   N Tokuyama, DL Moor, KE Graham, A Lokasola & T Furuichi (2017). Cases of maternal cannibalism in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) from two different field sites, Wamba and Kokolopori, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Primates, 58(1), 7-12.

8.  T Yoshida, H Takemoto, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, J Hart, T Hart, J Dupain, A Cobden, M Mulavwa, Y Kawamoto, A Kaneko, Y Enomoto, E Sato, T kooriyama, T Miyabe-Nishiwaki, J Suzuki, A Saito, M Okamoto, M Tomonaga, T Matsuzawa, T Furuichi & H Akari (2016). Epidemiological surveillance of lymphocryptovirus infection in wild bonobos. Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1262.

7.  N Tokuyama & T Furuichi (2016). Do friends help each other? Patterns of coalition formation in wild bonobos at Wamba. Animal Behaviour, 119, 27-35.

6.  N Tokuyama (2015). A case of infant carrying against the mother’s will by an old adult female bonobo at Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. Pan Africa News, 22(2), 15-17.

5.  K Toda, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama & T Furuichi (2015). Association of a young emigrant female bonobo during an encounter with her natal group. Pan Africa News 22(1), 10-12.

4.  T Furuichi, C Sanz, K Koops, T Sakamaki, H Ryu, N Tokuyama, D Morgan, & LE Fisher (2015). Why do wild bonobos not use tools like chimpanzees do?. Behaviour 152, 425 – 460.

3.  N Tokuyama & T Furuichi (2014). Redirected aggression reduces the cost for victims in semi-provisioned free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata). Behaviour 151, 1121-1141.

2.  Y Kawamoto, H Takemoto, S Higuchi, T Sakamaki, JA Hart, TB Hart, N Tokuyama, GE Reinartz, P Guislain, J Dupain, AK Cobden, MN Mulavwa, K Yangozene, S Darroze, C   Devos & T Furuichi (2013). Genetic structure of wild bonobo populations: diversity of mitochondrial DNA and geographical distribution. PLoS ONE 8, e59660.

1.  N Tokuyama, B Emikey, B Bafike, B Isolumbo, B Iyokango, MN Mulavwa & T Furuichi (2012). Bonobos apparently search for a lost member injured by a
       snare. Primates 53 (3), 215-219.


Book chapters

5.  N Tokuyama (2023). Aggressive behaviors and social dominance. In Furuichi T, Idani G, Ihobe H & Hashimoto C (eds.), Bonobos: Fifty-years study at Wamba, Springer. 

4.  T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama (2023).  Potential benefits of intergroup associations and chronological changes of intergroup relationships in bonobos. 
     In Furuichi T, Idani G, Ihobe H & Hashimoto C (eds.), Bonobos: Fifty-years study at Wamba, Springer. 
3. Toda
K, Tokuyama N, Sakamaki T (2023). Multiple phases of natal transfer process in female bonobos and factors underlying each phase: findings from long-term
observations in wild populations. In: Furuichi T, Idani G, Kimura D, Ihobe H, Hashimoto C (eds.)
Bonobos: Fifty-years study at Wamba, Springer.


2.  S Yamamoto, N Tokuyama, Z Clay, B Hare (2019). Chimpanzee and Bonobo. In: Choe, J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, (2nd ed.). vol. 1,
       pp. 324–334. Elsevier, Academic Press.

1.  T Sakamaki, I Behncke, M Laporte, M Mulavwa, H Ryu, H Takemoto, N Tokuyama, S Yamamoto & T Furuichi (2015). Intergroup transfer of females and social   
      relationships between immigrants and residents in bonobo (Pan paniscus) societies. In T. Furuichi., J. Yamagiwa & F. Aureli (eds.), Dispersing Primates Females,

      Springer, pp127-169.



PhD thesis

 N Tokuyama (2016). Female gregariousness and social bonding in the male-philopatric society of bonobos (Pan paniscus). Kyoto University. (PDF)



Presentations (international conferences)


9. N. Tokuyama. Activities for raising local people's awareness about the conservation of bonobos and the forest at Wamba, Luo Scientific Reserve, DRC. 3rd

       Symposium of The African Primatological Consortium for Conservation (APCC). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26th August 2019.

8.    N Tokuyama, T Sakamaki & T Furuichi. Inter-group aggressive interactions in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Democtatic Republic of the Congo.

       The 27th  Congress of the International Primatological Society, Invited symposium speaker, Nairobi, Kenya, 21 August 2018.

7.    N Tokuyama & T Furuichi. Patterns of coalition formation and social bonding in females bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba.  The 27th  Congress of the

       International Primatological Society, Invited symposium speaker, Nairobi, Kenya, 22 August 2018.

6.    N Tokuyama T Furuichi. Partially shared decision-making in wild bonobos at Wamba, DR Congo, The 26th Congress of the International Primatological
       Society, Oral presentation
# 6477, Chicago, United States, 23rd August 2016.

5.    N Tokuyama, Y Kawamoto, E Makinose, S Isizuka & T Furuichi. Is blood thicker than water? The social bonds and coalition formations in wild bonobos. The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Oral presentation, CS29-03, Yokohama, Japan, 29th July 2016.

4.    N Tokuyama & T Furuichi. Affiliative social bonds and patterns of coalition formation of female wild bonobos in Wamba, DR Congo. The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Oral presentation, CS26-14, Yokohama, Japan, 26th July 2016.

3.    N Tokuyama & T Furuichi. Affiliative social bond and intra-group coalition formation of female bonobos in Wamba, DR Congo. The 34th International Ethological Conference, Oral presentation, O31, Cairns, Australia, 10th August 2015.

2.    N Tokuyama & T Furuichi. Who to follow? Collective decision making in wild bonobos. The 5th International Wildlife Management Congress, Poster presentation, P253, Sapporo, Japan, 28th July 2015.

1.    N Tokuyama & T Furuichi. Redirected aggression reduces the cost for victims among semi-provisioned free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata). The 33rd International Ethological Conference, Poster presentation, P305, New Castle, United Kingdom, 4th August 2013.



7.    徳山奈帆子「寛容と協力によって保たれるボノボのメス優位社会」岩波『科学』2024年1月号. [PDF]

6. 徳山奈帆子「生理が"しんどい"のはヒトだけ?」月間みんぱく2023年6月号[PDF]

5.    山梨 裕美, 徳山 奈帆子, 竹ノ下 祐二, 大塚 亮真, 森村 成樹, 赤見 理恵「大型類人猿と人の関わりの変遷:過去・現在・そして未来に向けて」
オンライン早期公開 [PDF]

4. 徳山奈帆子, 戸田和弥, 古市剛史. 「コロナ禍におけるコンゴ民主共和国ルオー学術保護区ワンバでの研究・保全活動継続の取り組み」.
『霊長類研究』. 37(1):95. [PDF]

3. 山梨裕美, 徳山奈帆子, 赤見理恵, 松阪崇久, 北出智美, 徐沈文, 林美里, 白井啓, 諸坂佐利 (2021)「霊長類の違法取引と大型類人猿の
 エンターテイメント利用に専門家としてどう向き合うか」. 霊長類研究. 37(1):63-71. [PDF]

2. 松阪崇久、徳山奈帆子. 人間の娯楽にチンパンジーを利用することの何が問題か. モンキー, 5巻4号, [PDF]

1. 徳山奈帆子, ボノボのメスを怒らせてはいけない-オス間の急激な順位変動を引き起こしたメスたち, モンキー, 4巻4号, pp102-104. [PDF]



2. 「書評・『オランウータン 森の哲人は子育ての達人』 久世濃子 著 東京大学出版会」.『霊長類研究』. 35(1): 61-62.  

1. 「書評・ボニー・ヒューレット 著 服部志帆,大石高典,戸田美佳子 訳『アフリカの森の女たち 文化・進化・発達の人類学』春風社」.
     『霊長類研究』.36(2): 78-79.




企画,第 32 回日本熱帯生態学会,名古屋,2022 年 6 月 19 日.

2.山梨裕美, 徳山奈帆子,赤見理恵.『大型類人猿と人の関わりの変遷-過去・現在・そして未来に向けて-』,自由集会企画, 第 37 回日本霊長類学会,
  オンライン,2021 年 7 月
16 日.

3.山梨裕美, 徳山奈帆子, 赤見理恵. 『霊長類の違法取引と大型類人猿のエンターテイメント利用に専門家としてどう向き合うか』,自由集会企画,
  第 36 回日本霊長類学会,オンライン,2020 年 12 月 4 日.




11. 「寛容と協力により保たれるボノボのメス優位・中心社会」.日本学術会議シンポジウム「ヒトとサルの進化から考える社会と多様性」.東京,2023年6月17日.

10. 「研究・保全・啓発活動へのSNSの活用」 SAGA23 アジアアフリカに生きる大型類人猿を支援する集い,オンライン,2021年12月5日

6.「ヒトとボノボが共に生きるアフリカの森で考えたこと」京大 森里海ラボ by ONLINE 2021,2021年10月31日

5. 「類人猿たちの「ソーシャルディスタンス」」第16回京都大学附置研究所・センター シンポジウム,2021年3月6日


4.   「ボノボを知る、まもる」第36回日本霊長類学会市民公開講座,2020年12月6日






1.「 ボノボのメスの団結力」日本モンキーセンター、モンキー日曜サロン,2014年11月9日




  第一回 https://note.com/knouko/n/n28a4e8f08876
  第二回 https://note.com/knouko/n/nfca64c53f6eb

2.徳山奈帆子.企画展『ボノボについて知ろう!』,京都市動物園, 2021 年 10月 2 日~11 月 14 日. 

3.松浦直毅 他『アフリカ先生ウェビナー:コンゴ・森と河をつなぐ』,4 回連続ウェビナー,2012年11月~12 月 19 日.



 8. Tokuyama et al. (2021)について

 「類人猿ボノボは知らない子も養子に 進化を探るヒントに」朝日新聞、2021年3月19日




 「野生ボノボ、他の群れから「養子」 京都大グループ、アフリカで発見」京都新聞、2021年3月19日


 "Two bonobos adopted infants outside their group, marking a first for great apes", New Scientist, 18 March 2021


    "Unrelated adoptions by bonobos may point to altruistic traits, study says", Mongabay, 23 March 2021

     "Bonobo apes ‘adopt’ orphans in display of altruism", The Times, 19 March 2021


7. 「集団で調和 平和維持」読売新聞熊本版、2021年2月21日



6. 「動物への愛情って?」朝日新聞、三人耕論、2020年6月2日


5.   Tokuyama, Sakamaki, & Furuichi (2019)について

 「霊長類ボノボ 雌の寛容さが平和の決め手」産経新聞、2019年11月6日


4. Tokuyama & Furuichi (2017)について

    "Bonobo Matriarchs Lead the Way", Inside Science, 17th Mar 2017.



3. Tokuyama, Moor, graham, Lokasola & Furuichi (2017)について

    "'Hippie' apes seen eating their own dead children", BBC Earth, 26th Oct 2016.



2. Tokuyama & Furuichi (2016)について

   “In the Bonobo World, Female Camaraderie Prevails”, The New York Times, 10th Sep 2016.

    "Bonobos Form All-Female Coalitions to Target Violent Males", The Science Explorer, 20th Jul 2016


    "Female bonobos shut down violent males. Here's what humans can learn from them", Upworthy, 4th Aug 2016



1. Tokuyama et al. (2012)について

  「類人猿ボノボにも「絆」 傷ついた仲間を捜索」 読売新聞、2012年3月10日

    "Bonobos are caring because they are led by females", New Scientist, 7th Mar 2012.







3. 「巻頭座談会 新しい世界を見たい!」,京からあすへ,京都大学男女参画推進センター 

2.ボノボとヒトが共に暮らす森。調査・研究と支援を通じ、人間と野生動物の共存の未来を探る. JAMMIN インタビュー記事

1. ボノボの仲良し社会を考える~ヒト社会への示唆. 京大生協教職員情報