Nahoko Tokuyama, Ph.D (Science)
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Science, Faculity of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
Nationality: Japan
Language: Japanese, English, Lingala
Scientific Biography:
2011: B.S., Department of Science, Kyoto University
2013: M.S., Primate Research Institute, Department of Science, Kyoto University
2013-2016: Research Fellow of the Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (DC1)
2016 : Ph.D., Primate Research Institute, Department of Science, Kyoto University
2016-2017: Research Fellow, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
2017-2020: Research Fellow of the Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (SPD), Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, Soken University
2020-2022:Assistant Professor, Primate Research Institute, Center of Inernational Collaboration and Advanced Sudy, Kyoto University
2022-2024: Assistant Professor, Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
2024-: Current position
Papers and Presentations
See Publications